What is Bowen Therapy?
I first saw Gill for a Bowen Therapy treatment. Having no idea what to expect being used to therapeutic massage. Thinking others may have the same experience, I decided to chat to Gill to get the rundown of what Bowen Therapy is and how it may help you and your pets.
About Gill Brame:
11 years as a Bowen therapist. Practicing the “Bowtech” variety of Bowen. I am an EMRT practitioner (Equine Muscle Release Therapy – Bowen Therapy for horses). Completing my Bowtech training in the Blue Mountains NSW and my Equine training in Sth East Qld with Equus College of Learning and Research. I have worked as a Bowen therapist in NSW, QLD and for the past six years in North West Tasmania. I do mobile visits and I now have a room in Penguin. In my 11 years of Bowen I have helped hundreds of people, and animals of all shapes and sizes!
What is Bowen?
Bowen therapy was developed by Tom Bowen back in the 1950’s. It is now taught and practiced in over 30 countries. A Bowen session consists of a series of gentle soft tissue moves with the fingers and thumbs over muscles, ligaments and nerves. It is neuromuscular reprogramming which works via the Central Nervous System.
How does it differ from other remedial therapies?
I guess the main difference between Bowen and other therapies is that there are mandatory 2 minute waits after particular moves which gives the body time to respond. A session usually takes around 45 minutes.
Bowen is gentle, suitable for a new born baby or the elderly. Done through light clothing. Very mobile. A session is tailor made to suit the client.
Bowen works on all systems of the body. It addresses just about every condition there is. Working on a deep cellular level and assists physical, mental and emotional healing. It works on the fascia which is throughout the body. Bowen is VERY relaxing!
Is it like massage?
Massage therapy is invasive, Bowen therapy is non-invasive!
The muscles are ‘asked’ to move instead of ‘telling’ them to move.
What can it treat?
Bowen puts the body into balance mode. With this the body can heal itself.
Bowen is very beneficial for a variety of ailments including:
Muscular/skeletal misalignments/injuries, soft tissue injuries, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, parkinsons, arthritis, migraines, frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel, RSI, anxiety, depression, hormonal irregularities, problems conceiving.
Bed wetting, incontinence, asthma, jaw misalignments, teeth grinding, recovery from stroke, car/motorbike/horse accidents….
All of the above I have used Bowen with amazing results.
How many sessions will I need?
I always recommend three sessions over three to four weeks. This depends on the condition. Monthly maintenance is a great preventative.
What animals have you worked on?
Horses and dogs are my specialty.
Other animals include: cows, cats, alpacas, sheep, pigs, donkeys, guinea pigs, rabbits, goats and ferrets.
Anything else you would like to add?
This has been a rewarding career and at times very humbling. My passion shows in my work. I never get bored with it as there are always different responses and interesting cases and just being able to help a person or animal with your hands is just wonderful.
Facebook links: https://www.facebook.com/Gillian-Brame-Equine-Muscle-Release-Therapy-Bowtech-Practitioner-177410622317015/?ref=page_internal (for horsey/animal therapies)
https://www.facebook.com/Gillian-Brame-Bowtech-885910144793400/?ref=page_internal (for people therapy)
or phone: 0427 907 779
Gill offers in-home treatments for people who cannot get to her clinic or want to do a combined healing treatment with their pets.
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